Saturday, November 9, 2024

I am currently in the process of moving Creative Momma.

I've been getting a lot of comments, and emails about how difficult it is to "find downloads links" for the AI tubes. And maintaining that is becoming daunting with Real Life and other projects. So I've decided to make a public resource forum.

The idea behind the public forum is that no one has to become a member to access the tubes, there are cluster frames, templates, masks and wallpapers as resources open for taggers to download and also use in forum/group challenges.
Everything is organized and easy to access and download.
No fuss and no muss.

I can also update and add more frequently!


You don't need to register as a member to get access to the AI tubes or other tagging supplies.. but if you want to be able to post replies (thank yous) or like the posts you need to register. Again membership is not required!

I hope this solves the issue for both visitors as well as myself!

Hugs and blessings!



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The Blogger

The Blogger


I'm Blossom, A coffee and sour gummy worm addict who enjoys creating AI generated art and sharing them as tubes with you! I also love knitting, diamond painting, journaling, writing tag tutorials and tagging. I am a momma to five purring babies and wife. I'm a born Vermonter. Music is my sanity and you will always find me in PSP with coffee! Welcome and enjoy your visit!

My Blinkie



AI (1) Autumn (1) Blog Train (1) Creative Chicks (1) Halloween (1) Masks (1) Scrapkits (1) Tube (1) Update (1) forum (1) moving (1) new site (1)


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